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BioRender Help
How to BioRender guides
How to BioRender guides
Custom Icon Requests
What is the custom icon request form?
What are custom icon requests? (đź‘‘ Premium Only)
How do I name my icon?
What key features should I include in my request?
What makes a good icon description?
What is an icon’s “use case” and why does it matter?
See all 10 articles
Adjust an icon's opacity/transparency
Favorite your frequently used icons
Using grouped icons
What to do if you can't find an icon
Erasing parts of lines, shapes, or icons
Edit an icon's color
See all 8 articles
Using a BioRender template
How do I search for templates?
What are BioRender templates?
How to publish a figure as a BioRender template?
Disease Mechanisms Library
Text & Labels
Curving your text
Add symbols to your illustration
Using fonts in BioRender
Add superscripts and subscripts to your text
Spellcheck your work
How do I add and modify text in my illustrations?
Lines & Shapes
How to draw an irregular shape
Using color presets for shapes with text
Add and edit shapes in your illustration
Using connector lines
Making a border/frame
Creating a table
Exporting illustrations
Export your illustration with a transparent background (đź‘‘ Premium Only)
What file formats can I export in?
PDB Builder & Brushes
Creating custom brush colors
Add 3D protein structures to your illustrations
Using brushes
How to edit your brushes
Using BioRender slides (đź‘‘ Premium Only)
Poster Builder
Importing and editing a graph in your poster
Adding an image to your poster
Creating a new poster
Building your poster
Editing the appearance of posters
Resizing and rearranging content in posters
See all 7 articles