BioRender templates are already-made figures that give you a place to start and help you finish your figures faster!
How to create an illustration from a template
- Browse through our collection of BioRender templates already made for you by our amazing team and other users.
- Select the template you wish to use and click "Use Template".
- A new illustration will be created from the template for you that you can now edit or use as-is.
How to add a template to an illustration
- Browse through our collection of BioRender templates already made for you by our amazing team and other users.
- Select the template you wish to use, and then click either:
- Replace canvas: The canvas size will adjust to that of the template and replace your current illustration.
- Add to canvas: The canvas size will be unaffected and your current illustration will remain on the canvas.
Liking a template
Is there a template you love and want to save for later, or just want to show the author some love? Like it!
How to cite BioRender with your unique figure URL
When exporting your figure for publishing, you must export a publication license and cite BioRender using your unique figure URL (included in the publication license) to allow readers to click on the citation and view your figure. You will have the ability to determine the level of access a reader has when viewing your figure. To learn more about reader permissions and figure accessibility, please see the CC-BY Publishing and Reader Permissions article.
Whether you are using an original figure, reusing a template as-is without any content or design modifications, or citing a figure from an adapted template, you can copy your unique citation and place this in the figure caption, citations list, or footnotes/acknowledgments at the end of the article.
Of course, you can adapt the citation to match your citation style.
How to cite a published template
For templates published in the template gallery, please see the following:
- Citing a template, with modifications made to the template:
- <AuthorLastName>, <AuthorFirstYear> (CurrentYear) Adapted from “FullTemplateName”. Retrieved from
- <AuthorLastName>, <AuthorFirstYear> (CurrentYear) Adapted from “FullTemplateName”. Retrieved from
- Citing a template, without modifications made to the template:
- <AuthorLastName>, <AuthorFirstYear> (CurrentYear). Reprinted from “FullTemplateName”. Retrieved from
Our citations follow APA style formatting, but you can adapt the citation to match your citation style as long as the unique figure URL link is not deleted.
If you have any questions or concerns:
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