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BioRender Help
Payments, pricing, and billing
Payments, pricing, and billing
Requesting a Quote for a BioRender Premium license
BioRender’s vendor information
How do I register BioRender as a vendor at my institution/ company?
Does BioRender collect sales tax in the US?
My institution is tax exempt. How can I ensure that I’m not being charged taxes?
How do I manage my plan and billing information?
See all 12 articles
Premium Subscriptions
What are the different subscription types for industry and academic users?
Understanding BioRender Subscriptions: Industry Individual, Team, and Enterprise
The Undergraduate Subscription
The Postdoc Subscription
The Student Subscription
The Academic Individual Subscription
See all 11 articles
Payment Options
What payment options does BioRender accept?
How to purchase with a Purchase Order (PO)
Can I pay by invoice?
Invoices and receipts
Locating your invoice history
What currency are receipts and invoices charged in?
Cancel, pause, change subscription
Understanding your BioRender subscription
Cancel my Premium plan
Starting your BioRender subscription early
How do I change the premium plan I'm on?
Change your subscription’s billing cycle
Skip a month
See all 9 articles