Troubleshooting password reset issues Troubleshooting password reset issues

Troubleshooting password reset issues

If you're unable to receive the password reset link for your BioRender account, it could be due to various factors related to your account status or email filtering settings. There are a few common issues that can prevent the password reset email from reaching your inbox. 

1. Account deactivation

If your account is associated with an institutional license and has been deactivated, you won’t receive the password reset link.

  • Cause: Your account was deactivated from an institutional or enterprise license.
  • Solution: If you have the contact information for the license administrator at your institution,  you can inquire to understand why the account was deactivated. If you require further assistance, please contact our support team.

2. Incorrect email address

  • Cause: There are no BioRender accounts registered with the email address you entered.
  • Solution: Double-check the email address entered and try again. Please try signing in with any additional email addresses you might have signed up with.

3. Spam or junk folder filtering

  • Cause: The password reset email may be flagged as spam or junk mail by your email provider.
  • Solution: Check your spam or junk folder for your password reset emails BioRender.

4. Our emails are blocked by your email provider or institution 

  • Cause: Emails from BioRender may blocked by your email provider or institution.
  • Solution: To ensure you receive our emails please safelist the following email addresses: and Depending on the architecture of your institutional email (exchange, Google...), this may differ. Kindly search how to "Safe list" emails.

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Need help?

If you’re still experiencing issues:

  • Email support:
  • Live chat: Available by clicking on the “Help” bubble in the app at the bottom right-hand corner.