When you send a copy, the recipient receives an editable version of the illustration that is separate from the original file. This ensures that any changes they make will not affect your version.
Sending a copy of your illustration from the Gallery
Follow these steps to send a copy of your illustration from the gallery:
Locate the illustration:
- In the "Gallery", find the illustration you want to send.
Open the share menu:
- Click the "••• (horizontal ellipsis)" next to the illustration.
- Select "Send a copy".
Enter recipient details:
- Add the email address(es) of the account(s) you want to send the copy to.
- Press "Enter" to separate multiple email addresses.
Send the copy:
- Click "Send" to finalize the process.
Sending a copy of your illustration from the Canvas
You can also send a copy directly from the canvas:
Open the share menu:
- From the top-left corner of the canvas, click "Share", then select "Send A copy".
Enter recipient details:
- Add the email address(es) of the account(s) you want to send the copy to.
- Press "Enter" to separate multiple email addresses.
Send the copy:
- Click "Send" to complete the process.
Open the share menu:
Troubleshooting sharing issues
Recipient didn’t receive the email:
- Double-check the email address you entered.
- Ask the recipient to check their spam folder.
Error message during sharing:
- Refresh your browser and try again.
- Clear your browser cache if the issue persists.
Recipient can’t access the illustration:
- Ensure the recipient has a BioRender account associated with the provided email address.
Related articles
- Difference between “Share” and “Send a copy”
- Share your BioRender illustrations with collaborators
- Manage collaborators permissions for shared illustrations
Need help?
If you have any questions or concerns:
- Email Support: support@biorender.com
- Live Chat: Click the Help bubble in the app, located at the bottom right-hand corner.
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Articles in this section
- What’s the difference between Share and Send A Copy?
- Share your BioRender illustrations with collaborators
- Send a copy of your BioRender illustration to another account
- Share your files with “View only” permissions
- How do I manage collaborators and permissions on shared files?
- How can I send a preview of my illustration?
- Request access to an illustration
- Using shared folders (👑 Premium Only)