Share your BioRender illustrations with collaborators Share your BioRender illustrations with collaborators

Share your BioRender illustrations with collaborators

This article explains how to share your BioRender illustrations with collaborators and manage their permissions. Learn how to use the Gallery, Canvas, to share your work effectively.

Table of Contents

  1. How to share your illustration from the gallery
  2. How to share your illustration from the canvas
  3. Managing collaborator permissions
  4. Troubleshooting sharing issues
  5. Related articles
  6. What's next?
  7. Need help?

How to share your illustration from the gallery

  1. Open the share menu:
    • Click the "••• (horizontal ellipsis)" next to the illustration in the "Gallery", then select "Share".

2. Enter collaborator details:

    • Add the email addresses of your collaborators.
    • Click "Add", then "Send Invite".

  1. Send the invitation:
    • Collaborators with BioRender accounts will receive an invitation and see the shared file in their Shared Files folder.
    • Those without accounts will be prompted to sign up to access the illustration.

How to share your illustration from the canvas

You can share directly from the Canvas in two ways:

Using the share button

  1. In the top-right corner of the canvas, click "Share".
  2. Add email addresses, click "Add", then "Send Invite".

Using the toolbar menu

  1. From the top-left corner, select "Share".
  2. Add email addresses, click "Add", then "Send Invite".

Untitled (32).png

Managing collaborator permissions

After sharing, you can manage permissions for collaborators:

  • Can edit: Allows collaborators to make changes, invite others, and duplicate the illustration.
  • Can view: Limits collaborators to viewing the file and creating a copy.

Adjusting permissions or removing collaborators:

  1. Open the "Share settings" from the Gallery, Canvas, or File Menu.
  2. Click on the blue text (e.g., “Can edit” or “Can view”) next to a collaborator's name.
  3. Select the desired permission or remove the collaborator entirely.

Note: If you’re on the BioRender Basic plan, you can only share your 5 most recent files. Upgrade to a Premium plan for unlimited access.

Troubleshooting sharing issues

Collaborator didn’t receive the email:

    • Confirm the email address is correct.
    • Ask the collaborator to check their spam folder.

Collaborator can’t access the illustration:

      • Ensure they are using the correct email address linked to their BioRender account.
      • Check if permissions are correctly set.

Error during sharing:

        • Refresh the page and try again.
        • Clear your browser’s cache if the issue persists.

Related articles

What’s next?

Now that you know how to share your illustrations:

  • Explore advanced collaboration tools, such as comments.
  • Learn how to organize files using shared folders for streamlined teamwork.

Need help?

If you have any questions or concerns:

  • Email Support:
  • Live Chat: Click the Help bubble in the app, located at the bottom right-hand corner.