Using shared folders (đź‘‘ Premium Only) Using shared folders (đź‘‘ Premium Only)

Using shared folders (đź‘‘ Premium Only)

Shared Folders allow Premium subscribers to collaborate with ease, providing a central place to store, share, and manage project files.

Steps to access shared folders

  1. Locate the Folder: Click on the three dots beside the folder you want to share.
  2. Select "Share": From the menu, select “Share.”
  3. Add collaborators: Input the email addresses of your collaborators or select your entire team.
  4. Set permissions: Choose whether collaborators can edit or only view the folder’s contents.
  5. Send invites: Click "Send invites" to share the folder.

Once invites are sent, collaborators receive an email notification. Team membership changes do not trigger new notifications.

Managing permissions in shared folders

After inviting team members, you can manage their access by revisiting the Share panel and adjusting permissions under "Collaborators."

Bringing illustrations into shared folders

To make illustrations accessible to collaborators, simply drag files into the shared folder. All collaborators can add and edit files within this folder.

Shared folders as a free user

Collaborators on the Free plan have limited access to shared folders. Free users can view and edit files they have personally added (if previously a Premium user) but cannot:

  • Add new files
  • Edit others' files
  • Move files created by others
  • Add new collaborators
  • Rename the folder

Free users can upgrade to access full functionality within Shared Folders.

Frequently asked questions

  • How do I know if a folder has been shared with me?

Shared folders appear in the "Shared with me" list with a red dot indicating new access. You’ll also receive an email notification.Team members will see new folders shared with them under the "Shared with me" list. A red dot will appear next to new shared folders, alerting the recipient to their new access. You will also receive an email any time a folder is shared with you.

  • What happens when I delete an illustration in a shared folder?

Deleting an illustration you own removes it from the shared folder for all collaborators.

  • How do I edit the content in a shared folder?

To remove your files, move them to “Created by me” to revoke access for collaborators. Revisit the sharing settings to add or remove collaborators as needed.

  • Can I delete or remove a shared folder?

As the owner of the shared folder, you can delete a shared folder by clicking on the three dots next to the folder and selecting "Delete", which will also delete its contents and remove any collaborators.

As a collaborator, you can remove the shared folder from your Gallery by clicking on the three dots next to the folder and selecting "Remove". You will no longer have access to this folder, but it will remain in collaborators galleries

  • How can I change the name of a shared folder?

Click the three dots next to any shared folder you own and select “Edit” to rename a Shared Folder.

  • If I leave my team or transfer ownership, will I lose access to the shared folder?

No, as the creator, you remain the folder’s owner and cannot lose access.

  • What happens to shared files if there’s a change to the account status of the original owner?

Shared files in a folder will not become inaccessible due to changes in the account status of the person who shared them. They will only become inaccessible if:

  1. The share is retracted or removed from the shared folder.
  2. The shared file is deleted by the person who received access (the sharee)

We recommend you can make copies of each file within the Shared Folder. These copies will be specific to the new account and will no longer be tied to the original account in any way whatsoever.

Need help?

If you’re still having trouble or have questions about citing BioRender, our support team is here to help. Reach out via:

  • Email Support:
  • Live Chat: Available in the app by clicking the "Help" bubble in the bottom right-hand corner.