CC-BY publishing and reader permissions CC-BY publishing and reader permissions

CC-BY publishing and reader permissions

This article explains the process of publishing your BioRender illustrations under the CC-BY 4.0 license and how readers of open access journals can use and modify these figures. It also outlines the permissions for authors, the steps involved for readers requesting access to figures, and the necessary licensing details for re-use or modification.

Table of contents


Completed graphic: Includes any published or printed material, including websites and social media, containing BioRender Content.

Publication license: This refers to the written permission from BioRender that allows users to publish or share the scientific figures they have created using BioRender in external publications such as journals, articles, or presentations.

What is the CC-BY 4.0 license?

The CC-BY 4.0 license allows others to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon a work, provided they give proper credit to the original creator. Many Open Access journals publish articles under this licensing model, which promotes open science communication.

CC-BY allowances:

  • Sharing: Others can share your figure however they’d like as long as they credit you as the original creator.

  • Adapting: Others can adapt, transform, and remix your figure as long as they credit you as the original creator.

For authors: Publishing a figure under CC-BY license

  1. Generating the publication license:

    When you (the author) publish your BioRender figure (completed graphic) in an Open Access journal, it is subject to the CC-BY license(after you generate a publication license in BioRender). That means your figure will be available for viewing, modification and re-use by a journal reader. 
  2. After publication:

    • Your figure will be available for viewing, modification, and re-use by journal readers.

    • To allow readers to view the figure in full resolution, include the unique figure URL with your published figure.

  3. What happens when a reader views your figure:

    • The reader clicks the unique figure URL, which leads them to a visitor landing page displaying the full-resolution image, citation, and licensing details.

    • If the reader wishes to modify your figure, they can request an editable version by selecting “Request an editable version” on the visitor page.

4. Determining access levels:

    • As the author, you can decide the level of access the reader is granted. This includes deciding whether modifications are allowed and whether the figure can be adapted as a public template.


Important note on disabling access: If you disable public access for a figure published under the CC-BY license, it will become inaccessible, and the publication license for that figure will be revoked.   

For open access readers: How to use published figures

Once an author has granted permission for modification, the reader can take advantage of several options to reuse or modify the figures.   

Access Type What readers can do Requirements
View-only/free plan use
  • View the completed graphic in BioRender.
  • If using a Free Plan, may also modify (if permitted by the author) and reuse for personal use only.
  • No BioRender account required for viewing.
  • Free Plan users must follow Basic License Terms (no publishing or commercial use).
Re-use/publish with no modifications
  • Republish the completed graphic without changes. 
  • Re-use the completed graphic without changes. 
  • Must comply with the underlying license terms of the completed graphic.
  • Example: Academic license users cannot use figures for commercial purposes.
  • Must cite the original author using the citation provided on the BioRender visitor landing page or from the original article.
Re-use/publish with modifications
  • Modify the completed graphic (e.g. add elements, remove components, edit for publication). 
  • Publish the modified version.
  • Paid BioRender Academic or Industry plan required.
  • Must comply with BioRenders License Terms. Please see our Academic and Industry License Terms for more details.
  • Must cite the original author using the unique figure URL or the original article citation.


Why can’t I access/modify my figure?

  • If you disabled public access, this could be the reason. Ensure public access is enabled for the figure you’ve published under the CC-BY license. Once disabled, the publication license will be revoked, and the figure will no longer be available for reuse.

Why can’t readers request an editable version of my figure?

  • As the author, ensure that you have granted permission for the figure to be adapted as a public template. If you have not, readers won’t be able to request an editable version.

Related articles

What's next?

  • Explore BioRender’s template gallery to see examples of how others are adapting figures under the CC-BY license.

  • If you’re considering publishing multiple figures under the CC-BY license, review the guidelines for setting up an efficient and collaborative publishing workflow.

  • Learn about BioRender’s Academic and Industry Plans to take full advantage of figure modifications and re-use.

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