What payment options does BioRender accept? What payment options does BioRender accept?

What payment options does BioRender accept?

BioRender accepts all major credit cards for subscription payments.  

If you are paying via credit card, BioRender accepts Visa, American Express, Mastercard, Discover, UnionPay, and JCB.

If you are unable to pay using your credit card, kindly ensure that there are no holds or blocks on the card by your bank or purchasing department (if this is a company credit card). If you get in touch with them, they can help you resolve this.

NOTE: You may need to enable your card for international transactions as our company is located in Canada.

For larger subscriptions, we also accept Purchase Orders. Please see this article if you’d like to purchase individual, lab, or industry licenses via PO (annual licenses only).

If you continue to experience problems or you are paying via purchase order for a larger license, please contact our support team via the chat box in the bottom right corner or email us at support@biorender.com.

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