Presentation Helper Presentation Helper

Presentation Helper

This feature is only available for Enterprise and Institutional premium plans.

Our Presentation Helper is designed specifically for life science researchers, offering structured presentation templates to assist in creating clear and impactful presentations. Whether preparing for a thesis defence, department meeting, or sharing research milestones, these helper will provide a range of options tailored to different research phases and fields of study. With thoughtfully curated slides and visuals, these presentations offer a strong starting point for designing professional presentations.

How to use the Presentation Helper

  1. ​​Open the “BioRender Templates” view or choose to create a new Presentation
  2. Select Presentations under the Discover tab.

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  1. Filter the presentation templates based on Organization Types, Research Phases, or Presentation Types to narrow down your options.

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4. Preview the template by selecting one that fits your needs.

    • After selecting a template, click “Use Template” to open a new file where you can customize it further.

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5. The editor will open to your template and you can adapt and customize it to suit your needs.

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Using the Presentation Helper with the PowerPoint Add-in

Looking to continue working on your presentation in PowerPoint? No problem! You can easily export your BioRender presentation as a PPTX file and continue refining it in PowerPoint using the BioRender PowerPoint Add-in. The add-in offers powerful features to elevate your presentation:

  • Seamlessly Add Images: Insert images directly into your slides without leaving PowerPoint.
  • Quick Edits with the Mini-BioRender Editor: Make changes directly in PowerPoint using a streamlined editor.
  • Flexible Slide Management: Replace, add, or import slides effortlessly, without needing to re-export the entire file.

How to export your presentation as a PPTX file

  1. Click on Export.

  2. Choose PPTX as the file format. 
    • Choose the entire deck or specific slides.
    • Select a resolution: 150 DPI for electronic use, or 300 DPI for print.

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3. Select "Export". You can open up your file directly in PowerPoint.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Can I add my own figures to the presentation?

  • Yes, you can easily upload and integrate your own figures into the selected templates, allowing for further customization to suit your needs.

Can I use these presentations outside of these fields of research?

  • Yes, these templates are flexible and can be adapted for other fields as well.

I can’t find the presentation I need - what should I do?

  • The presentation library is continuously expanding, with new templates being developed to cover additional presentation types. If you have any feedback or template requests, please reach out to or contact us via live chat to share your thoughts and ideas! 

Need Help?

If you have any questions or concerns:

  1. Email Support:
  2. Live Chat: Available by clicking on the "Help" bubble in the app on bottom right-hand corner.