Do I need a subscription for my thesis? Do I need a subscription for my thesis?

Do I need a subscription for my thesis?

If your thesis is going to be uploaded to a university database or library, our free basic version can be used.

If your thesis will be published in an article or journal, we do consider this a published thesis and recommend upgrading to our paid premium subscriptions to obtain the publication license.

Here is a breakdown of where you can use your figures on our self-serve plans ⏬

License and Usage:

Use Case Free Academic Individual License Academic Lab License Academic Institutional License
Publishing uses        
Journal publication  
Journal Cover  
Published thesis  
Not-for-profit website  
Textbook figures, 5 or less  
Textbook figures, greater than 5 figures, or less than and equal to 15    
Textbook figures, more than 15 Contact us ------- ------- -------
Personal YouTube / social media (no profit)
Unpublished thesis
Conference poster (academic user)
Grant application
Academic Poster

Internal Meetings (lab or team)


Conference Presentation (Academic Audience)




Teaching Slides


Personal Blog Website posts (No profit)
  • The Watermark must be included in the exported figure with a Basic account
  • A Premium plan (Academic or Industry) is recommended for all print users
  • Completed Graphics included in any published or printed material, including websites and social media, containing BioRender Content as permitted hereunder must include either “Created with” or your unique figure URL depending on your use case. Please review the article, Citing BioRender, for more information on how to cite your figures.

If you have any questions or concerns:

  1. Email Support:

  2. Live Chat: Available by clicking on the "Help" bubble in the app on bottom right-hand corner.