Publishing in closed-access resources Publishing in closed-access resources

Publishing in closed-access resources

If you are currently on a Premium plan or exported your figures on a Premium plan (not the free trial), you have the right to publish your figures. To browse plans, click here.

Publication license validity is associated with your Premium status at the time of illustration export.

Follow the instructions below to export a publication license for your figures. Please note that this is not a CC-BY license and cannot be used for open-access journals. For more information on obtaining a CC-BY license, please refer to: Publishing in Open-Access resources.

  1. From the editor: Begin by selecting the Export option in the top right-hand corner or Download Publication License under the File drop-down menu. 
  2. From the gallery: Begin by clicking the three dots in the bottom right-hand corner and selecting the Export option. 

The Editor:

Untitled (17).png


The Gallery:  

Untitled (20).png

  1. Once you fill out your preferred export requirements, make sure to select the I would like a publication license with this export box.

Screenshot 2024-09-05 at 8.46.34 AM.png

3. Prepare your license by entering information relevant to your figure. You can use the drop-down menu to select your use case or choose Other if your use case isn’t listed. Confirm that your figure will not be published in an open-access resource.

4. Lastly, select Next to obtain your license and be sure to cite your figure using the unique figure URL citation included in the Publication License.

5. After exporting your license, you will receive an email containing a link to your public figure page where you can adjust your figure’s level of public access. By default, your figure will remain private; however, this can be updated by selecting Edit settings and details.

Difference between open-access and closed-access? 

  • Open-access publishing allows free public access to research, involving a Creative Commons license, granting broader rights for reuse. 
  • Closed-access publishing restricts access to subscribers or paying readers, with the publisher usually holding copyright, limiting reuse and visibility. 

*CC-BY 4.0 license: Refers to the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) 4.0 license. It allows others to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the original work, as long as they give proper credit to the creator. Most Open Access journals publish articles under this licensing model in support of open science communication. To learn more about reader permissions and figure accessibility, please see the CC-BY Publishing and Reader Permissions article. 

If you have any questions or concerns:

Open the chat messenger (on the bottom right corner) or email us at (