To help you understand BioRender and its primary features, we’ve compiled a list of important and commonly used terms.
BioRender Basic: our free plan. Users on BioRender Basic can use illustrations for educational purposes, like presentations and posters, but cannot publish their figures in journals or textbooks.
BioRender Premium: a monthly or annual subscription that offers access to Premium features, such as permission to publish in journals and store unlimited figures. Premium plans are available for both individuals and teams.
BioRender Team: a group of BioRender users that work together, like labs or industry teams. BioRender teams can share illustrations, templates, favorites, and uploaded images.
BioRender Template: a template that has been created by our in-house illustration team to represent common biological pathways and processes.
Canvas: the paper-like white space where you build your illustration. Only elements included on the canvas are exported.
Favorites: icons or groups of icons you’ve saved so you can easily access them while you’re illustrating (kind of like a song in a playlist).
Folders: a way of organizing your BioRender illustrations. They can be used according to criteria of your choice, like image type, research project, or date.
Gallery: Your home page or dashboard where all of your illustrations are stored. This is the first screen you see when you log into or sign up for BioRender.
Icon: a pre-made svg image that has been loaded into our BioRender library for public use. Icons can be dragged from the library onto the canvas to build an illustration.
Illustration: any figure that you create in BioRender.
PDB (Protein Data Bank): an open-access repository of 3D structures of large biological molecules, such as proteins. The PDB is integrated right into BioRender, and you can convert PDB images into BioRender icons right from the canvas.
Team Admin: A user on a BioRender team with the ability to change team settings, invite and remove members of the team, and transfer admin privileges.