Crop an icon, shape, or object Crop an icon, shape, or object

Crop an icon, shape, or object

The crop tool is used to cut off or remove a part of your icon or shape. This can be useful to emphasize a particular object, such as a macro-to-micro scale change, or simply to remove part of an object you don’t need. Both individual and grouped icons can be cropped.

There are 3 ways to crop your image

  1. Square crop
  2. Circle crop
  3. Custom shape crop

Cropping is also a reversible feature. You can reset any cropped icon to its original size. 

Square Crop:

By default, your crop will be set to a square.

To use the Square Crop tool: 
  1. Select the object you’d like to crop by clicking on it.
  2. Click Crop from the top menu. A square bounding box will appear around the object.

  3. Use the square blue guides around the edges of the crop window to adjust the size of the crop.
  4. Press Enter or click outside the icon once you are satisfied with your crop. If you change your mind, you can also click Reset crop to start over.
  5. If you wish to edit an icon that has been cropped you can double click on the icon to edit or select the icon and select Edit Crop.

Circle crop

To change the shape of your crop to the Circle Crop:
  1. Select the object you’d like to crop by clicking on it.
  2. Click the dropdown arrow beside Crop, then click on Circle Crop.
  3. Adjust the size of the crop by dragging the blue bounding box.
  4. Press Enter or click outside the icon once you are satisfied with your crop. If you change your mind, you can also click Reset crop to start over.
  5. If you wish to edit an icon that has been cropped you can double click on the icon to edit or select the icon and select Edit Crop

Custom Crop

To change the shape of your crop to the Custom Crop:
  1. Select the object you’d like to crop by clicking on it.
  2. Click the dropdown arrow beside Crop, then click the Custom crop.
  3. Adjust the size of the crop by dragging the bounding box or by selecting the different points on the line
    1. You can double-click on nodes to delete them
  4. Press Enter or click outside the icon once you are satisfied with your crop. If you change your mind, click Reset Crop to start over.
  5. If you wish to edit an icon that has been cropped you can double-click on the icon to edit or select the icon and select Edit Crop.

You can also edit the crop path as you would any line. Using the toolbar you can change the crop path color, stroke, and dash to emphasize the cropped icon.

Resetting a cropped object to its original size

To undo a crop:
  1. Select the cropped object.
  2. Click Reset Crop.
  3. Your object will now revert back to its original size.