Creating a New Poster

Design stunning posters with ease.

Tawny avatar
Written by Tawny
Updated over a week ago

Create beautiful posters in our Poster Builder!

The first step towards crafting eye-catching posters is to create your design. Follow these simple steps to get started:

  1. In the Gallery view, select Create New File then Poster Builder.

  2. Start with a pre-made template and choose a color theme. To start without a template, click the X in the top right corner of the window.

Now have taken the first step towards designing a stunning poster, explore more tips and tricks in our related articles:

Discover advanced techniques for enhancing your poster's visual appeal. Learn how to balance elements for maximum impact.

Tailor your design to perfection by understanding the nuances of resizing and arranging elements within your poster.

Fine-tune your design with tips on choosing the right colors, fonts, and styles to make your poster stand out.

Ready to showcase your creation to the world? Follow our guide on exporting posters for printing or sharing online.

If you have any questions or concerns:

Open our chat messenger (bottom-right of any BioRender web page).

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