Changing file ownership in your organization Changing file ownership in your organization

Changing file ownership in your organization

Transfer file ownership

Keep your organization’s data by transferring file ownership when a member leaves your organization.

As the administrator of an organization, you can transfer files from one member to another to ensure files remain accessible to your organization.

Who can transfer files?

Only organization administrators can transfer file ownership between registered or deactivated members in their organization.

  • Organization members cannot transfer file ownership.
  • Files from non-registered or removed members cannot be transferred.

How to transfer file ownership

You can initiate this process when deactivating or removing a member from your license, although it's not mandatory. You also have the option to transfer files without deactivating or removing the member. Here’s how to do it:

Steps to complete File Transfer:

  1. Click on your profile in the top right corner of your BioRender webpage.
  2. Select “Admin”.
  3. Under “Account Overview & Users”, find the member from whom you wish to transfer files.
  4. Click the three dots of the member you wish to select.
  5. Select Transfer Files.
  6. Input the member from your organization to whom you wish to transfer the files.
  7. Confirm the action by clicking the checkbox.
  8. Click “Transfer Files”.

What files can be transferred?

You are able to transfer a member’s Folders, Illustrations, Posters, and Slides to a new owner in your organization.

What happens to the files after transferring?

The new file owner can find the files in their gallery located in a folder titled “Transferred files: [Name of previous owner]” as seen in the image below:

Please be aware of the following limitations on file transferring:

  • Files can only be transferred to another member of your organization.
  • You cannot transfer files from Pending members.

*Please note that a file transfer will move all of the member’s files over to a new owner. You are not able to transfer the ownership of individual files at this time*