Creating bullets and numbered lists Creating bullets and numbered lists

Creating bullets and numbered lists

Utilizing bulleted and numbered lists in your content is a powerful way to enhance clarity and understanding.

You can find the bulleted and numbered list section in the side panel next to your canvas.


Bulleted lists

  1. Select a textbox that you wish to include a bulleted list in
  2. To start a bulleted list you can:
    1. Use your keyboard and type "-" followed by a space or
    2. Select the bullet list option in the properties panel.
  3. .Select the "Enter" key on the keyboard for each new line you wish include.
    1. You can also select the "Tab" key to create a new level of indentation.

Numbered lists

  1. Select a textbox that you wish to include a numbered list.
  2. To start a numbered list you can:
    1. Use your keyboard and type "1." followed by a space or
    2. Select the numbered list option in the properties panel.
  3. Select the "Enter" key on the keyboard for each new line you wish include. You can also select the "Tab" key to create a new level of indentation.