Managing Multiple Workspaces

A quick guide on managing Multiple Workspaces on your Enterprise or BioRender Business Plan.

Valerie avatar
Written by Valerie
Updated over a week ago

Multiple Workspaces is a feature designed to enhance your administrative control and organizational efficiency. This feature allows you to maintain control over licensees while keeping work and budgets separate under the BioRender Business Plan.

Roles & Terms



A smaller organizational unit within a larger institution is managed under a central group. For instance, in a larger institution, there can be multiple workspaces, such as one for Research & Development and another for Translational Research.

Super Admin

A Super Admin is a role with higher-level access rights, capable of overseeing multiple workspaces. Super Admins can alter roles and remove Workspace Admins. Their role is unique in that it can only be modified (added or removed) by Customer Success Managers, not by other admins or Super Admins.

Workspace Admin

A Workspace Admin, or “Admin” manages a single workspace. This role is similar to the existing admin role, focusing on the administration and operation of a specific workspace.

Switching Workspaces

  1. Click “Switch workspace” in the top blue banner of your BioRender webpage

  2. - OR - Click your profile in the top right of the BioRender webpage

  3. Select “Switch workspace”

  4. Choose your desired workspace

Assigning Workspace Admins

If you are a Super Admin, you will be able to assign Workspace Admins on your license.

  1. In your account settings, click the “Account Overview & Users” tab

  2. Select an account from your member list

  3. Change the member’s role to either “Admin” or “Member” by using the Role drop-down menu

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