Edit an Icon's Color

Edit an icon's color, opacity, saturation and more!

Stefan Pintaric avatar
Written by Stefan Pintaric
Updated over a week ago

BioRender has a number of preset color options for each icon, making it easy to design a visually cohesive figure. You can choose custom colors or customize icons at any time while illustrating.

Changing the color of a single icon

  1. Select the icon you wish to change.

  2. Access the side menu and choose one of the preset colors or apply a color overlay.

Changing a layer of an icon

Sometimes, you need to customize individual layers of an icon to make it truly unique. Here's how:

  1. Select the icon you want to work on, then select the layer you wish to modify.

  2. Customize individual layers by adjusting fill color, border color, border width, or border dash. Some icons only possess one layer.

Bulk-edit individual icons of the same type

Need to make consistent changes across multiple icons? It's easy with bulk editing:

  1. Right-click on one of the icons you want to change.

  2. From the drop-down menu, click on "Select All Same Icons."

  3. Edit them all at once by applying a color overlay.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I edit grouped icons?

To edit icons within a group, double-click on the group to select and edit individual parts. A banner notification "You're editing a grouped icon" will be present on the top of your canvas that will notify you when you are editing a group. To exit the group select "Exit group" on the right hand of the banner or double-click outside of your icon on your canvas.

How can I delete a color overlay?

To remove a color, right-click on the color you wish to remove and select "Delete."

Why can't I customize this icon?

The level of customization available for icons varies based on their type and common use cases, as determined by our team of science illustrators. If you believe certain icons should be more customizable, please let us know; your feedback is valuable.

If you have any questions or concerns:

Open our chat messenger (bottom-right of any BioRender web page).

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